
if you are … , then at the tip of your index finger should seek _______ ; why not ? you are already here …

Imaginations is , life imitating art . Art is after all ; about imaginations seeing life in it’s best state of ideals manifested from the artists . And life … life is independently lived by the artists in each one of us to how we were appreciated and to appreciate in return ; the loving is well away numbered right after the many emotions , such as respect , sense of appreciations , trust etc …

there are always reason to love , and to hate . There should always be , at least for that intellect of yours to manifest it’s values ; Reasons .

And that reasons to love should be well explained to your loved ones and to your own self especially . be aware of these reasons , you will get to know your own true cores … and after awhile , also reasons to why you exist amongst these functioning symmetries of mind’s life … will become clearer .

digits is a study of hopes . as we were born into stories and rules , we were to become enchanted into the making of new ones , stories that is , of our own life . Manifesting … rules ?

Mere hopes . And yet massive gambles coming from to the how you had believed . Methods of your own life stories manifested to become believable and trusted about you are the Expectant Digits .

The little that I have here , yes , mere hopes ; but it is a start for me . So here they are , if you are so incline to see for yourself , click HERE . Stories of hopes … life imitating … imagination strengthening … appreciations to focus , and those focuses are becoming a state … to care and love .

The good and all reasoning for your little corners of Intellect .